Terms and Conditions For Cartoon Videos App

 Terms and Conditions

1. Age Requirements

By using our app, you agree that:

Users must be at least 13 years old to access the content.

For children under 13, parental consent is required.

2. Content Guidelines

Our app features age-appropriate cartoons, educational content, and entertainment suitable for children.

Prohibited content includes anything harmful, violent, or inappropriate for kids.

3. Privacy and Data Collection

We collect minimal device information for app functionality.

Personal information is not collected.

Parental consent is obtained for any data collection involving children.

4. Safety Measures

Parents are encouraged to supervise their children while using the app.

We implement safety features like content filtering, reporting mechanisms, and parental controls.

5. Intellectual Property

Users cannot upload copyrighted material without permission.

Cartoons featured on our app may be subject to licensing agreements.

6. Termination and Suspension

Accounts may be terminated or suspended for violating content guidelines or age restrictions.

7. Liability and Disclaimers

We limit our liability for issues arising from app usage.

Disclaimers cover content accuracy, potential risks, and third-party links.


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