Privacy Policy for All Cartoon Videos App


Welcome to All Cartoon Videos, where kids can enjoy their favorite animated content! This privacy policy outlines how we handle information when children use our app. Please read this policy carefully to understand our practices.

Information We Collect

Device Information:

We collect basic device details, such as the device ID and operating system. This helps us optimize the app for different devices.

No personally identifiable information (PII) is collected from children.

Usage Data:

We automatically collect data related to how kids interact with our app. This includes their activity within the app, such as searches, content views, and preferences.

Usage data helps us improve the app’s performance and enhance the user experience.

Parental Consent

COPPA Compliance:

We comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

Before collecting any personal information from children, we obtain parental consent. Parents or legal guardians must provide consent for their child to use our app.

Parental Controls:

Parents can manage their child’s activity controls within the app. This includes settings related to web activity, app usage, and personalized features.

We encourage parents to review and adjust these controls as needed.

Data Safety and Security

Data Protection:

All data collected is stored securely and encrypted.

We do not share children’s personal information with third parties.

Data Retention:

We retain usage data for as long as necessary to provide our services and improve the app.

Parents can request data deletion by contacting our support team.

Third-Party Content

Cartoon Videos:

Our app features a curated collection of cartoon videos suitable for children.

These videos are sourced from reputable content providers.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy practices, please contact us:



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